Coming Soon

The Future of Human Behavior

Upcoming from Eric Hunter

How does the mind, human behavior, and human culture evolve and adapt with the continuing evolution of technology? How will new adaptive technologies change who we are and the way we behave? How can global leaders shape their cultures and organizations while bringing out the best from our common human perspectives?

Eric shares strategies we can use to meet our aims. He’ll take us through thought leadership exercises in organizational behavior, on a voyage to Mars. The impact of family on personal perspectives is explored. He takes his personal experience with a stroke to project forward and analyze how the brain, for future generations, can adapt and evolve through technology integration.

As a futurist Eric looks forward at the profound disruptions and the adaptive integration paths ahead in human behavior and evolution.


Excerpts ⋆

Quantum Computing and the Rogue Wave

Perspectives from a Futurist

Quantum is to the future as rogue waves are to the surface of the ocean. We will not fully grasp the full picture of what is within the surface until the waves are upon us.

View of Tokyo at night

Let’s Go to Mars

You are in charge of choosing who goes to Mars, both for a journey and a permanent colony. How do you choose? Who do you choose? How are the priorities set for qualifications? Philosophically do we go with an advanced…